Monday, April 15th, 2024

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

— Joyce Brothers

  • It seems like there’s only one Firebase Auth instance per project (authenticated FirebaseApp object). So use a lock (Mutex from async-mutex) to protect multi-tenant logins and prevent auth/tenant-id-mismatch errors in integration tests.
  • @maccormickWhatCanBe2018 Ch. 1-4 note-taking

ECS154A Lecture: adding instruction to FISC

  • asr (arithmetic shift right / arithmetic right shift)
    • Wires are assumed to have a propagation delay of zero. ASR therefore has zero propagation delay since no logic gates were used.
    • Leaving output pins unattached is fine, but unattached input pins are bad (so, either hook it to ground or VCC depends on if 0 or 1 is desired).
  • How to add an instruction (e.g., asr Rd Rn) to the FISC architecture while being backwards compatible?
    • add, and, bnz cannot be touched. They use all the bits (register operands take exactly 2 bits each, and bnz’s target address requires all 6 bits to address 64 bytes of memory).
    • not can be touched since we have two unused bits (for Rm).
  • How to make use of the unused 2 bits (Rm) in the not instruction?
    • Assume the regular not leaves these two bits as zeroes.
    • Note that we have a spare slot (0b11) in FISC’s 4-to-1 ALU multiplexer for an extra instruction.
    • To use the empty slot, we can use the unused 2 bits as a subop, so when op (from the decoded instruction) is not (0b10) and subop is 0b01, we can change op to the new instruction (0b11) when we feed it into the ALU op input pin ( for op select).
    • Alternatively, we can make many more zero-operand instructions (by using the Rn and Rd bits as subops) or have more operands in the new instruction by reducing certain operand size to one bit, etc, but that increases decoding complexity.
x for don’t care

SOC001 Lecture: Socialization & Interaction

  • socialization: how humans learn to be a member of society
  • agent of socialization: people or things that help facilitate the process of socialization (e.g., parents, media)
  • content analysis: gender socialization
    • study from Nelson (2000)
    • feminine: beauty, passivity, relationships
    • masculine:
  • What do agents of socialization teach chlidren about gender?

  • status: social position
    • Some statuses are ascribed (statuses that you are born with) and some are achieved (obtained through effort).
  • role: the duties and behaviors expected for a certain status
    • Different roles work in combination.
  • role-set: all roles associated with a status
  • role strain: person having issue fulfilling the duties of one role
    • Example: A professor needs to both teach and research.
  • role conflict: a person has multiple roles that conflict with each other - Example: A professor needs to work in the evenings, but her mother duties also requires her to perform child care in the evenings.
  • Example: A professor needs to work in the evenings, but her mother duties also requires her to perform child care in the evenings.
  • role performance: the expression of one’s role
  • 6 principles of dramaturgy (Shulman 2017; summarizing Goffman)
    • People are performers who use impression management. — We try to put forward certain impressions of ourselves in front of others (clothing, actions, speech, etc).
    • People perform in different social spaces (regions).
    • People work in teams and collectively (e.g., professors and students; servers and cooks).
    • People prioritize giving credible performances.
    • People avoid communicating “out of character.”
    • When people produce “spoiled” performances (i.e., mess up), they engage in curative steps.