📅 Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.

— Albert Einstein

  • I spent an hour debugging a integration test that failed because I forgot to add await to the API call that seeds the data. FFS. I really need to enable ESLint for all tests (and get good at quick troubleshooting).

ECS154A Lecture: adder/subtracter cont’d

review: sum of minterms for addition’s carry out

review of signed number

  • signed magnitude
  • two’s complement
    • remember that the sign bit represents
    • addition overflow scenarios: when signs match
      • positive + positive
      • negative + negative
    • ALU overflow bit
      • (textbook) when operand signs match, we know addition overflowed if sign of the sum is not the same as sign of operand
      • (in-class) alternatively, we know the result is an overflow if, in a ripple carry adder, the penultimate carry out bit and the final carry out bit is not the same ()
        • Note: this method would not work if the adder does not expose carry out bit from the column.

textbook ALU:

with flags:

in-class ALU with flags

SOC001 Lecture: race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality

Midterm exam logistics

  • Comprehensive study guide and basic exam logistics released today on Canvas.
  • Multiple choice section
    • Date: 5/1/2024; no late arrivals
    • 1 page of notes allowed (see details on Canvas)
    • 28 questions, 3pts each
    • scantron needed
    • 1 hour time limit in-class
  • Short essay section
    • take-home, submitted through Canvas
    • released 5/2 evening (Thurs)
    • due 5/3 (Fri) 23:59, no late submissions
    • 2 questions, 8 points each

Race & Ethnicity

  • Why is race a social construct?
    • Sociology considers race to be social, i.e., biological makeup has no significance on race.
    • There’s nothing inherent in the people that reflect their race—different societies and cultures define races differently.
    • Medical studies that reveals race as a factor, e.g., for diseases, are simply using it as a facade of other factors, such as past experiences, socioeconomic status, rough geographical origin of ancestry, etc.

What is this person's race? What are some physical attributes that indicate the race you chose? (image of Barack Obama)

Black. Skin color, hair texture, eyes.

  • stereotype: oversimplified generalizations of a group