Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

— Walt Disney

ECS154A Lecture: FISC ALU & mux

  • [>] questions to ask later during discussion
    • When to use tab characters vs space (e.g., fiscas help message, print listing)?
    • It is unclear whether bnz disassembly (fiscsim) should print hex or decimal, but I went with hex. Is this expected?
    • Is it expected behavior for all errors to be printed to stderr and cause the program to exit with code 1?
  • data path: enables flow of information within/without the CPU
  • bus
    • notation: path with a line segment through it, with the bus width (in bits) marked at one end of the segment
    • notated at the ports / pins of a chip
  • For FISC, instruction memory is conceptually ROM — read-only memory (doesn’t get modified during program execution)
  • standard notation for memory size: , e.g., FISC IM is a 64x8 memory.
  • ALU: arithmetic logic unit

Simpler ALU’s multiplexer to showcase truth table & expression of mux:

  • when op = 0, use
  • when op = 1, use

SOC001 Lecture: Socialization

  • sociological perspectives (notes from participation assignment feedback)
    • conflict
      • note that Conflict is a macro-level sociological perspective, so focus on larger groups and patterns within society, rather than the individual level (e.g., couple fighting)
      • be specific, i.e., don’t say “sociologists focus on inequalities”, “say sociologists study inequalities between genders, classes, races, etc”.
    • functionalist
      • the Functionalist perspective is macro-level; again, focus on larger groups
      • def latent functions: functions that are not immediately obvious
        • having children - manifest function, heteronormativity (the perception that heterosexuality is the normative for relationships) - latent function
    • symbolic-interaction
      • micro-level (interactions that happen on individual levels), but still need to focus on relationship to society (so this perspective woulnd’t focus on how, say, an individual’s personalities would affect relationships)
      • e.g., how different social conventions and symbols are given different meanings by different groups
  • Fake Famous (documentary)
    • both the users (influencers) and the social media platform are incentivized to keep bots on the platform
  • defining self
    • in a psychological view, self is the part of an individual that is stable and enduring
    • in a sociological view, self is social and fluid
      • reflexivity: continual reexamination and modification of self
      • interaction shapes self
  • development of the self
    • Cooley: looking-glass self
      • self is formed by how you think other people think of you
    • How did we come to adopt others’ views of us as self?
      • Mead conceptualized a 3-stage process to learn role taking (taking the roles of others) during primary sociolization
    • Mead self-development stage
      • stage 1: preparatory
        • imitating the people around us
        • no ability to interpret how others see things
      • stage 2: play
        • taking on the role of another (e.g., in a pretend scenario, such as a child acting like a grown-up in a dress-up)
      • stage 3: game
        • taking perspectives of several others simultaneously
        • learn about the generalized other: internalized expectations of commnity
        • Develops the self. Self is social; it is both the subject and object (I, the agent, observes the self)