Monday, April 8th, 2024

Persuasion is often more effectual than force.

— Aesop

ECS154A Lecture/Discussion: Lab 1 - FISCAS/FISCSIM

  • need to use logisim format (use lab 1 page as unit test)
  • registers
    • r0-r3
    • z (set when result is zero, cleared otherwise)
    • pc
  • instructions
    • add
    • and
    • not
    • bnz (branch if not zero)
  • logistics
    • pass 1: build symbol table
      • check for duplicate label definitions
      • parse instructions as we go
    • pass 2: convert instructions to hex
      • check for undefined label references
    • case insensitive parsing
      • should labels be case insensitive? do we preserve case, convert to lower case, or respect case?
  • data
    • labels
    • instructions
      • insn (enum with opcode values)
  • fibo1
  • fibo2

SOC001 Lecture: new media

  • macro (larger group interaction) vs symbolic interaction (small group interaction)
  • media: all print, digital, and electronic means of communication
  • new media: mass communications that rely on digital technologies
  • new media issues:
    • inequalities: places where internet access is limited/slower
    • digital divide: places with limited internet access has lesser information through media
    • net neutrality: all internet data should be treated equally be all internet providers (ISPs), i.e., internet providers should not limit what information is available based on location, device brand, etc
    • effects of communication
      • pros: mostly increased productivity
      • cons:
        • harder to separate work from rest of life (i.e., harder work-life balance)
        • harder to focus on one thing (temptation to use phone, etc)
    • privacy & security
      • harder to stay private about location & life (e.g., doxxing, robbery)
      • information breach risks related financial transactions
    • technological globalization:
      • pros: broadens horizons, easily stay informed about other communities
      • cons: dominant culture/ideas may monopolize the globe or become imperialistic
  • theoretical perspectives
    • functionalist: looks at functions of media
      • commercial function: e.g., advertisements
      • entertainment function
    • conflict: media is a way through which we are entertained
    • symbolic-interaction
  • the attention economy: all advertising strives to get consumers’ attention
    • if you get something (entertainment/info) for free, then you (your attention) are the product