Monday, April 1st, 2024

Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.

— Voltaire

ECS154A Lecture: FISC intro

  • OISC: one instruction set computer
    • subleq
  • FISC: Four-or-five instruction set computer
    • add
    • and
    • not
    • bnz (branch if not zero)
    • assignment: design a fifth instruction
  • universal gates: NAND & NOR gates
    • can build a computer/chip with just NAND and NOR gates

ECS120 Lecture 0: Welcome and Overview

No course topics covered.

SOC001 Lecture: What is Sociology?

  • norm: guideline or expectation for a behavior
  • Mills reading: 3-13 in The Sociological Imagination