Org-roam is an Org-based Roam Research mock-up on Emacs.


  • Bidirectional linking
    • Flat and interlinked relationship between notes; don’t have to worry about where to put new ones
    • Granular—supports linking headings (uses ID in PROPERTIES drawers)
    • Navigate knowledge base by viewing the graph
    • Great tool for writing—easily browse related interlinked topics
  • Everything is local.
  • Open-source and configurable.
  • Access to Org-mode and Emacs’s customizability.

Why I left org-roam

While I am aware that Org-roam, Org, and Emacs are excellent products, it is just not as convenient as Obsidian in terms of configuration, plugin management, and cross-platform support. I definitely spent more time configuring and fixing org-related stuff than I took to take notes. Plus, you’ve got to admit that while Electron apps are bloaty, it’s easy to make them look visually pleasing. Additional points to Obsidian for handling longer notes and lines without lagging too much.