• Instructor: Louis Longaker, PhD
    • Office hours: MF 12 - 12:50PM in SLB 2064
  • Section: C10


List of exams:

  • Exam 1: Friday, April 28, 2023 (23% of grade)
  • Exam 2: Friday, May 26, 2023 (23%)
  • Final: Thursday, June 15, 2023 (3:30 - 5:30) (36%)

Content covered:

  • Exams covers both lecture + lab materials
  • Exam 2 covers content after exam 1
  • Final exam is comprehensive

What you need for exams:

Pencil, eraser, lead, ruler, scientific calculator (graphing is OK according to lecture), filled water bottle Section C10 TA is Tigre Pressley


  • Exams =
  • Discussion =
  • Labs = (late post-lab penalty: 5 points / day, including due date)
  • Homework = (no late penalties)
