• C10
    • TA: Tigre Pressley [email protected]
    • TA office hour: F 12-1PM and 1-2PM (OHs begin week of Apr 10th)
  • Discussion is mandatory.
  • Cannot participate if late for 20 minutes or more to lab.
  • Missing lab (unexcused) means failing the class. Make up within a week in another section.

Pre-lab format

Before lab, prepare a prelab note in the lab notebook in blue or black ink.

  1. Your name 
  2. Title of the experiment 
  3. Date 
  4. Your partner’s name 
  5. Your sections number 
  6. Purpose 
  7. Procedure 
  8. Results & data tables


Post lab should be turned in before the next lab period. 5 point penalty for each late day (including the due date). See Lab report

Lab report

A lab report consists of:


  • Title
  • Purpose
  • Procedure
  • Data tables Postlab
  • Data
  • Calculation
  • Questions
  • Results
  • Summary
  • Conclusion - “The conclusion is to consist of a couple of well-written paragraphs discussing the results and possible sources of errors.”

Penalties rules

There are point penalties for

  • unclean lab spaces
  • unsafe manners (probably have to stop running)
  • unclean communal space (all groups will be docked points)
  • etc.

Oh well.