SCP is a type of AWS Organization policy to restrict service access for entire organizational units or specific member accounts.

What can SCPs do?

  • SCPs can effectively restrict member account root users.
  • SCPs are a permission boundary for member accounts.
  • SCP don’t grant permissions to AWS identities.

Only resources allowed by both identity policies and SCPs can be accessed.

Implementing SCP

  • SCP can be stipulated by the management account in an organization.
  • Deny list approach
    • Default SCP for a member account is FullAWSAccess with explicit allow for all services — i.e. to make a modification, add deny lists
    • SCP uses same deny-allow-deny rule: explicit deny > explicity allow > implicit deny
  • Allow list approach
    • Remove default SCP so that allow lists are used instead
    • Results in more admin overhead, but is more secure as it never over-provisions service access.