AWS Control Tower: easy multi-account environment setup by orchestrating other AWS functionalities (organization, IAM Identity Center, CloudFormation, Config, etc)

  • Landing Zone: multi-account environment
  • Account Factory: standardizes new account creation process & automation
  • Terraform: Account Factory for Terraform

Creates 2 default OUs

  • Sandbox OU: for accounts with less rigid rules and security
  • Security OU with 2 default accounts
    • Audit Account
      • CloudWatch
      • SNS
      • … any third party tool for auditing
    • Log Archive: read-only logging archive account
      • AWS Config
      • CloudTrail
  • … create Custom OUs
    • Account Factory uses CloudFormation & Config to provision new accounts from templates

Home Region: account where Control Tower is initially enabled

GuardRails: governance rules with 3 different levels of recommendation

  • Mandatory
  • Strongly Recommended
  • Elective

Types of GuardRail rules

  • Preventitive: prevent certain actions (AWS Service Control Policy)
  • Detective: compliance/best practices (AWS Config rules)
    • e.g. Is CloudTrail enabled?
    • e.g. Does EC2 instance has public IP?

Account Factory: automated account provisioning

  • requires either admins or users with proper permissions
  • GuardRails are automatically added
  • Can configure network
  • Can close/repurpose accounts
  • Enables integration with SDLC