
My name is Zhenkai and this is where I host my Obsidian notes and occasional blog posts. Have fun browsing! You can also download my GPG key here.

Don’t know what to look for? Check out some maps of content below.

Want to wander around? Use tags to look for notes and use the Backlinks section to navigate. You can also use #<tag> in search bar.

  • blog: Blog posts.
  • writeup: HTB/CTF challenge writeups.
  • ttp: TTPs, which are red teaming / pentesting-oriented notes.
  • course: These are some of the courses I’ve taken, and often you can find my lecture notes in the Backlinks section.
  • moc: Maps of content, which are indices of large topics.
  • concept: Concepts.
  • how-to: How-to’s / guides.
  • daily: Daily notes, which usually contain lecture notes.
  • literature: These are literature notes exported from Zotero which contains metadata and sometimes annotations or notes. This website does not provide any PDF files for download, but the note might contain a URL to the source if it’s publicly available. Maybe I’ll create a script to automate exporting annotations some day.
  • stub: These are empty notes that exist for linking purposes. My goal is to reduce them over time by integrating information from backlinks into the note itself.