An infinite set is “uncountable” or “uncountably infinite” when there are too many elements to be labeled with the set of natural numbers (e.g. ).

A notable example of an uncountable set is . The proof of its uncountability uses the diagonalization argument. To begin, we denote each element of the power set---a subset of ---with a bitstring of size , with each digit representing whether the corresponding natural number is in the subset, so a subset beginning with 111 and ends with zeros denotes . Let’s assume that there is a bijection and . We can now build a list of all bit strings starting from

For each , we flip one bit at index , leading to a diagonal of changes. We can build a new bit string by concatenating these flipped bits. This new bit string cannot be found in since for any element , is different by one bit at the -th position. This contradicts the earlier assumption that exists, indicating that is not countable.