ss (“socket statistics”) is a *nix tool for listing socket informaion, e.g., which TCP/UDP ports are in use.

Common oneliners (may require sudo to see process name and PID):

# View processes listening on TCP ports
ss -plnt # or -tlpn
ss --processes --listening --numeric --tcp
# View processes listening on UDP/TCP ports
ss -plnut # or -tulpn
ss -plnt --udp
# The same, but with extended socket info
ss -plenut # or -tulpen
ss -plnut --extended
# View all UDP/TCP ports in use
ss -naut
ss -ntu --all

Common options:

  • Filter by listen
    • -l,--listening: list listening sockets (i.e., socket being listened on by a process)
    • -a,--all: list all sockets
  • Filter by protocol
    • -t,--tcp: list TCP sockets
    • -u,--udp: list UDP sockets
    • Note that ss -ltu matches sockets on either a TCP or UDP port
  • Display additional data
    • -p,--processes: list PID that is using (listening on) the port
    • -e,--extended: show more information about the socket & process
    • -n,--numeric: show port as number instead of service
    • -r,--resolve: resolve IP address into hostname