We can use set operations to transform a set or a combination (a set?) of sets.

Set Complement

The complement of a set is equal to the set of elements from a universe set not belonging to set , denoted .

Set Difference

The different of two sets and is the set of elements in A but not in B, which is denoted .

Set Union

The union of two sets and is the set containing elements from both and . For an extended usage of set union, use the set union symbol like the sigma symbol for sums.

Set Intersection

The intersection of two sets and is the set containing elements that are found in both and . For an extended usage of set intersection, use the set intersection symbol like the sigma symbol for sums.

Cross Product

The cross product of set and is the set containing all possible ordered pairs whose first component is an element of and whose second component is an element of . If and are finite sets, then .