Typical running procedure:

  • Pre-run dynamic stretching / warm-up
    • leg swings (forward-backward, side-to-side; hands against the wall); 30 seconds / motion / leg
    • jumping jacks
    • Reddit suggestions
  • 5-10 minutes walking
  • Daily suggested workout / planned workout routine
  • 5-10 minutes cooldown walk
  • Post-run static stretching
    • reach down with crossed legs (right leg over left leg, vv.); 30 seconds per leg
    • flamingo; 30 seconds / leg
    • achilles tendon stretch (hands against wall, one straight leg behind with heels on the floor); 30 seconds x 3 sets / leg
    • peroneal tendon stretch (same as achilles heel stretch except knees are bent); 30 seconds x 3 sets / leg