
  • Ports:
    • 135/TCP, 49152-65535/TCP (DCE/RPC)
    • 445/TCP (RPC over SMB Named Pipes)
    • 139/TCP (RPC over SMB Named Pipes)
  • Administrator required


sc.exe \\TARGET create THMservice binPath= "net user munra Pass123 /add" start= auto
sc.exe \\TARGET start THMservice # no output since service starts remotely


sc.exe \\TARGET stop THMservice
sc.exe \\TARGET delete THMservice

How it works

Windows services can also be leveraged to run arbitrary commands since they execute a command when started. While a service executable is technically different from a regular application, if we configure a Windows service to run any application, it will still execute it and fail afterwards.

We can create a service on a remote host with sc.exe, a standard tool available in Windows. When using sc, it will try to connect to the Service Control Manager (SVCCTL) remote service program through RPC in several ways:

Client - EPM - SVCCTL

A connection attempt will be made using RPC. The client will first connect to the Endpoint Mapper (EPM) at port 135, which serves as a catalogue of available RPC endpoints and request information on the SVCCTL service program. The EPM will then respond with the IP and port to connect to SVCCTL, which is usually a dynamic port in the range of 49152-65535.

Client - SMB Named Pipe - SVCCTL

If the latter connection fails, sc will try to reach SVCCTL through SMB named pipes, either on port 445 (SMB) or 139 (SMB over NetBIOS).