Pwndbg is a gdb plugin that makes gdb friendly for pwn purposes.

How this setup looks like in tmux + gdb:

This tutorial assumes tmux and gdb are already installed.

First compile and install “idleterm” (idleterm.c), which is needed to redirect the CTF challenge program’s I/O to a specific pane (pane 4 in this case):

gcc -o idleterm idleterm.c -luring
sudo install ./idleterm /usr/local/bin/

where idleterm.c is the code below. This is modified from Stack Overflow answer to pass its own pts path to the gdb startup script directly.

// Open a pty and let it idle, so that a process spawned in a different window
// can attach to it, start a new session, and set it as the controlling
// terminal. Useful for gdb debugging with gdb's `tty` command.
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef uint8_t u8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef  int8_t i8; typedef  int16_t i16; typedef  int32_t i32; typedef  int64_t i64;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <pty.h>
#include <liburing.h>
#define BSIZE 4096
void raw_terminal(void)
    if (!isatty(0))
    struct termios t;
    tcgetattr(0, &t);
    t.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG | ICANON | ECHO);
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &t);
// Refers to the state of a Joint /while it's waiting in io_uring_enter/.
enum State {
// Joins two fds together, like splice, but not a syscall and works on any two
// fds.
struct Joint {
    u8 buf[BSIZE];
    i32 ifd;
    i32 ofd;
    enum State state;
    u32 nread;
void roll_joint(struct Joint *j, struct io_uring *ur, i32 ifd, i32 ofd)
    j->ifd = ifd;
    j->ofd = ofd;
    j->state = READ;
    struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(ur);
    io_uring_prep_read(sqe, j->ifd, j->buf, BSIZE, 0);
    io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, j);
i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv)
    struct io_uring ur;
    assert(io_uring_queue_init(256, &ur, 0) == 0);
    i32 ptm, pts;
    assert(openpty(&ptm, &pts, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0);
    // dprintf(2, "pid = %u   tty = %s\n", getpid(), ttyname(pts));
    printf("%s", ttyname(pts));
    struct Joint jkbd;
    roll_joint(&jkbd, &ur, 0, ptm);
    struct Joint jscreen;
    roll_joint(&jscreen, &ur, ptm, 1);
    for (;;) {
        struct io_uring_cqe *cqe;
        for (;;) {
            // Actions like suspend to RAM can interrupt the io_uring_enter
            // syscall. If we get interrupted, try again. For all other errors,
            // bail. Also, wait_cqe negates the error for no reason. It never
            // returns positive numbers. Very silly.
            u32 res = -io_uring_wait_cqe(&ur, &cqe);
            if (res == 0)
            else if (res != EINTR) {
                dprintf(2, "io_uring_enter returns errno %d\n", res);
        struct Joint *j = io_uring_cqe_get_data(cqe);
        if (j->state == READ) {
            // Exiting READ state. Finish with the read...
            j->nread = cqe->res;
            assert(j->nread > 0);
            // Now, start the write.
            j->state = WRITE;
            struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ur);
            io_uring_prep_write(sqe, j->ofd, j->buf, j->nread, 0);
            io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, j);
        else if (j->state == WRITE) {
            // Exiting WRITE state. Finish with the write...
            i64 nwritten = cqe->res;
            assert(nwritten == j->nread);
            // Now, start the read.
            j->state = READ;
            struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ur);
            io_uring_prep_read(sqe, j->ifd, j->buf, BSIZE, 0);
            io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, j);
        io_uring_cqe_seen(&ur, cqe);
    return 0;

Now, download splitmind, install colarama & pwndbg, and edit .gdbinit:

source /usr/share/pwndbg/
set print asm-demangle
define splitsetup
source /home/USERNAME/splitmind/
import splitmind
  .right(display="backtrace", size="25%")
  .above(of="main", display="disasm", size="80%", banner="top")
  .show("code", on="disasm", banner="none")
  .right(cmd='idleterm', size="65%", clearing=False)
  .tell_splitter(set_title='input / output')
  .above(display="stack", size="75%")
  .above(display="legend", size="25")
  .show("regs", on="legend")
  .below(of="backtrace", cmd="ipython", size="30%")
ptyname = open('/tmp/gdbtty', 'r').read().rstrip()
gdb.execute(f'set inferior-tty {ptyname}')
define splitreset
! tmux kill-pane -a -t 5
define run-hook
from colorama import Style, Fore
ptyname = open('/tmp/gdbtty', 'r').read().rstrip()
open(ptyname, 'a').write(Fore.RED + '==== PROGRAM END ====\n'*15 + '==== PROGRAM START ====\n' + Style.RESET)