Port scanning is a stage of enumeration in which the attacker tries to identify open ports on a target machine in order to define the attack surface.

Note that apart from using other automated tools, sometimes it can be helpful to connect to those ports with nc to diagnose problematic scan results.


# nmap:
# ===========================================
#   pros: full-fledged, nmap scripts
#   cons: none, just gotta know how to use it
mkdir nmap
sudo nmap -vvv $IP -oA nmap/initial -p-
# The one above should finish rather quickly
# Replace $PORTS with the scan results from above
sudo nmap -vvv -sSVC -oA nmap/svc $IP -p$PORTS
# rustscan:
# ===========================================
#   pros: very fast without needing to specify options
#   cons: super noisy, can be unreliable, nmap can also be used
rustscan -a $IP

See also Bash port scanner.