The current foundation of science takes root in the works of logical empiricists, but certain big-name scientists completely dismiss the field of philosophy, claiming that it is not productive at all. The fruits of philosophy are not as immediately significant as some of the advancements in science, like new medical technologies, but that does not mean philosophy overall is useless or unproductive. Through its history, great philosophers have been the springboard of new scientific disciplines. Why? Because philosophy helps us understand the world and, more specifically, how to perceive and know more about the world through reason. If science is a car that drives on the frontier, then what scientists are used to—their equations, concepts, and tools—are their fuel, constantly being used and replenished to advance the frontier; but the car itself—steering wheel, wind shield, side mirrors, even the engine---would be made of philosophy. Certain scientists have been using the vehicle for so long as to forget the guiding role philosophy has in the development and advancement of science. Science is basically putting philosophy into practice, so it does not make much sense for any scientist to outright dismiss the role philosophy plays in the world.