The extended pigeonhole principle states that, for any finite sets and and any positive integer such that , if , then there are at least distinct members such that .


Imagine and each element of X is numbered 1, 2, … m, 1, 2, m, … and so on where m is . Each number corresponds to an element in Y. Since X is more than k times larger than Y, there must be at least k + 1 elements in X that has the same number (the same Y element). Since X has much more elements, there is no way f is bijective. Even in the case that X is evenly projected across Y (f is surjective and each element in Y has roughly the same number of X elements pointing to it), there must be an element in Y to which at least k + 1 X elements point.

Alternate Version

Let and be any finite sets and let . Then there is some such that for at least values of .