đź“… Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

I will give you a definition of a proud man: he is a man who has neither vanity nor wisdom one filled with hatreds cannot be vain, neither can he be wise.

— John Keats

  • ELF symbol interposition and RTLD_LOCAL
    • The LD_PRELOAD trick. Good to know how LD_PRELOAD can be used programmatically.
    • rr looks like an interesting enhancement to gdb, allowing us to replay failed executions deterministically.
  • Somtimes, individual concepts are simply better explained in context, i.e., in a singular note as opposed to multiple atomic ones. For instance, it’s pretty hard to isolate the concept of GOT from PLT.
  • lazy binding

MGT011A Lecture: Cash

  • cash
    • for accounting, cash (also called “cash and cash equivalents”) includes: coins, currency, checks, money orders, bank accounts, etc
    • also includes liquid investments with maturity fewer than 90 days
  • bank reconciliation
    • adjust the general ledger’s cash balance for timing & errors
    • produce a reconciled cash balance
    • internally, add adjusting journal entries to bring cash account to the reconciled cash balance
  • how to do a bank reconciliation
    • take the ending balance from bank statement
      • add deposit in transit (cash that the company technically received/got paid, but haven’t cleared the bank yet)
      • add any corrections not yet made by the bank that will increase the balance
      • subtract outstanding checks (checks not yet processed/cleared by the bank)
      • subtract any corrections not yet made by the bank that will decrease the balance
      • total = reconciled cash balance
    • take the cash account balance from the general ledger
      • add items recorded as cash receipts (i.e., cash being earned) by the bank but not by the company’s books
      • add corrections not yet made by the company that will increase the ledger balance
      • subtract items recorded as cash disbursements by the bank but not by the company’s books
        • i.e., bank account services fees, autopay
      • subtract corrections not yet made by the company that will decrease the general ledger balance
        • i.e., Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) check
      • total = reconciled cash balance
      • Everything under this bullet needs to be separate journal entries adjusting the general ledger cash account balance
    • The two totals should be the same.
  • effective cash management
    • manage accounts receivable: faster cash collection from clients ease the paying of obligations
    • manage inventory levels: keep inventory level as low as possible without affecting sales
    • manage payables: delay payments (within reason) as long as possible without damanging relationships or incur penalties
    • invest excess cash: only hold cash necessary for operations; invest the excess in market for extra returns