Friday, March 15th, 2024

Persuasion is often more effectual than force.

— Aesop

  • Kubernetes crash course
    • Kubernetes distributes containerized services / workloads across a cluster (set of nodes) & manage lifecycle of containers given a declarative configuration of desired state
    • node: a physical machine or VM
    • cluster: a collection of nodes
    • control plane: set of master nodes making up the central components & processes of a Kubernetes cluster (e.g., API server, scheduler, controller manager, etcd)
    • master node: a node that runs key K8s processes; it is recommended to have at least a few replicas to ensure HA
    • worker node: a node that runs K8s pods; worker nodes are usually better spec’d than master nodes due to its high workload
    • pod: an abstraction over containers (only Docker images are supported for now)
      • Although pods can contain multiple containers, usually a pod only holds one container.
      • Each pod can get their own IP in the virtual network managed by K8s
      • pods can be removed and recreated, e.g., when they are unhealthy
    • service: gives a group of (replica) pods the same IP
      • ???
    • deployments
      • ???
    • replicaset
    • statefulset
    • ???set ???