Monday, February 26th, 2024

Wherever a man may happen to turn, whatever a man may undertake, he will always end up by returning to the path which nature has marked out for him.

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

MUS106 Lecture: Both Sides of the 60s

  • Jimi Hendrix Experience (cont’d)
  • major releases in 1967—forward thinking
    • Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
    • The Grateful Dead
    • Big Brother and The HOlding Company
    • The Doors
    • The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (Pink Floyd; opened PF’s door to progressive rock)
    • Days of Future Passed (Moody Blues) — thought to be the first progressive rock album
  • Miami Pop: rock’s first multi-day rock festival
    • started by Michael Lang
    • for-profit festival (different from Monterey Pop)
  • Woodstock Music and Art Fair
    • another 3-day festival
    • August 1969
    • rural, diary farm in upstate NY
    • even bigger line-up than Miami Pop
    • for-profit
    • permitted for attendance (legally): 50,000
    • expected attendance: 150,000 (absolute chaos)
    • actual attendance: 400,000-500,000 (eventually becomes a free festival due to lack of ticketers)
    • giant rainstorm + rural farm & dirt = absolutely logistic disaster
      • can’t get performers in, had to use helicopters
    • security provided by the “Please Force” (not official police)
      • led by Wavy Gravy
        • actual clown
        • political activist
      • ”Hog Farm” commune
      • give out arm bands (ask people to join)
      • freak-out tents, free kitchen
        • festival runs out of food
      • demonstrated hippie values
    • incredible line-up includes: Creedence Clearwater Revival, Jimi Hendrix, Ravi Shankar, The Who, …
    • Festival was sued by everyone (incl. neighbors); major miracle that there was only 3 dead
    • farmer’s speech: speaks of his surprise that the group size & how peaceful it turned out to be—hippie values demonstrated!
    • statistics
      • 600 toilets (absolutely crazy)
      • sold 180,000 tickets (and later gave up since not enough ticket checkers)
      • $3.1M in expense
      • sued by everyone—loses $1.5M (net)
    • festival was sponsored by Polident (denture company?)
    • theatrical release
    • Times magazine publishes a story about the Woodstock festival
    • hippie subculture becomes more popular
  • hippie subculture becomes popular
    • hippie culture appropriated by companies trying to market & sell stuff
  • The Diggers: artist-activists
    • hippies
    • San Francisco
    • they hated how mainstream appropriated hippie culture
    • staged a giant performance art—funeral of Hippies movement
  • ”Holy Week Uprising”
    • response of MLK Jr assassination
    • April 1968
    • 100 cities
    • 3,600 injured, 43 killed, 27,000 arrested
    • preceded by many other racially-caused uprisings
    • ”Dancing in the Street” by Martha and the Vendellas (Motown)
      • protest song
  • ”Handsome Johnny” (1966) by Richie Havens
    • another protest song (Vietnam War)
    • explicitly war-related lyrics
  • Charles Manson
    • mentally ill
    • proclivity for eating acid & coming up with racially-motivated songs
    • wanted to start a race war
    • becomes a cult leader: “Family” cult—dose members with LSD and make them do terrible things
    • murdered 8 people (an actress included)
  • Gordon Wasson
    • retired executive of J.P. Morgan
    • interested in magic mushrooms
    • went to Southern Mexico to look for mushrooms
    • found a Mazatec healer (Maria Sabina) and convinced her to privately share all information about the mushrooms with the condition that he won’t share it
    • cheated: published an article about the mushrooms, a company patented active ingredients from mushrooms…
      • funded by CIA
    • instead of the rosy-tinted glasses (e.g. hippie values), now wear the Altamont glasses—1960s isn’t all great
  • Altamont Free Concert
    • 4-ft stage
    • Rolling Stone performed
    • originally planned for San Francisco
    • same situation as Woodstock, but a complete disaster
    • hundred of thousands
    • security provided by Hells Angels
      • Biker gang
      • was recommended by the Grateful Dead
      • paid for in beer
      • completely incompetent & ineffective: one 19 y/o fan (Meredith Hunter) was stabbed to death by a Hells Angels member
    • documented by Gimme Shelter (documentary)
  • Gimme Shelter (1969) by The Rolling Stones
    • riff-driven
    • simple chords: C# - B - A
    • a jam
    • small number of lyrics, but really wanted to find a femal vocal, ended finding Merry Clayton (was pregnant), pushed her performance hard (super high-pitched & intense lyrics—“rape, murder, it’s just a shot away, it’s just a shot away”)
    • Merry Clayton was pushed too hard; when she came home, she had a miscarriage

ECS165A Milestone 2 thoughts part 2

  • page directory
    • A conceptual page is equivalent to a page index.
    • Base conceptual page owns a set of tail conceptual pages