Sunday, February 18th, 2024
How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
— William Shakespeare
- ECS165A Milestone 2 thoughts
- Instead of storing page bytearray in Page objects, I’m more tempted to have Bufferpool act as a context manager that returns ReadonlyPage or ReadwritePage objects when read/write is requested.
ECS122A Lecture: DP continued
- knapsack problem
- input: Set of items with items 1 - n. Each item has a value
and weightw[i]
. - output: set of items with maximum value such that the total weight of items is under capacity of knapsack
- recurrence solution
- For each item, we can either take it or not take it.
opt(n, W) = max(v[n] + opt(n-1, W - w[n]), opt(n-1, W))
- either take the item (and subtract weight), or find the opt without taking the item (weight stays the same)
- DP solution
- general solution: for items 1 to with bag capacity
opt(i, j): max(v[i] + opt(i - 1, j - w[i]), opt(i - 1, j))
- depends on previous solutions for subset of items and lesser bag capacities
- we can calculate this from bottom-up (calculate from i=1 to i=n)
- let
m[i, j]
storeopt(i, j)
- let
- we don’t need traceback (unlike rod problem)
- for example, if and , we can check if
v[20] + m[19, W - w[20]] == m[20, W]
to see if item 20 should be taken
- for example, if and , we can check if
- code:
- for j = 1 to W:
- for i = 1 to n
- `m[i, j] = max(v[i] + m[i - 1, j - w[i]], m[i-1, j])
- for i = 1 to n
- for j = 1 to W:
- general solution: for items 1 to with bag capacity
- input: Set of items with items 1 - n. Each item has a value
- longest common subsequence problem (LCS)
- input: ,
- output: longest subsequence that is part of both and (subsequences don’t have to be substrings and don’t have to be continuous; plus, each element’s position in and don’t have to be the same/aligned, though the order of elements has to be preserved); for example
lcs(xatttab, aggae) = aa
- cases given of length and of length
lcs(m, n) = (X[m] == Y[n]) + lcs(m - 1, n - 1)
(ignore both, and only adds 1 to LCS if )lcs(m, n) = lcs(m, n - 1)
(ignore )lcs(m, n) = lcs(m - 1, n)
(ignore both and )- This can be calculated bottom up via a 2D matrix. Note the dependency between these 4 subproblems.
- code:
m[i, j] = opt(i, j)
: length of longest common subsequence for andm[0, j] = 0
for allj
is 0, andm[i, 0]
for alli
is 0 (both needed due to the- 1
’s)- for i = 1 to m
- for j = 1 to n
- `m[i, j] = max(m[i - 1, j - 1] + match(X[i], Y[i]), m[i, j - 1], m[i - 1, j])
- for j = 1 to n
- traceback () needed to find actual LCS
- repeatedly find and move to the max neighboring cell in
starting from bottom right - if you moved up or left, ignore one corresponding character
- if you moved diagonally (towards top left), then either ignore both characters, or include the character in LCS if they match
- repeatedly find and move to the max neighboring cell in
- pretty printing problem
- input: words to in a paragraph in a single line. For any word , we know its length .
- we know there will at least be spaces to delimit words
- let be the max display length of a line
- cost function for a line from words to : (cube it to heavily discourage unused space on the line)
- output: a new array with line breaks inserted that minimizes the cost function for each line
- we basically have to decide where the last line starts
opt(n) = min_x(cost(x, n) + opt(x - 1))
: find the x that minimizes cost plusopt(x-1)
- Note that optimal substructure proof only depends on the problem, not the algorithm.
- optimal substructure proof revisited with pretty printing problem example
- define optimal solution
- opt = { set of lines such that words to are on the first line }
- proof will also work if starting from the last line
- prove words to on lines to has minimum cost
- define A as opt without line 1 ( to )
- Assume A is not an optimal way for the subproblem. Assume there exists a better way B to print to .
- But the costs are the same. Contradiction.
- define optimal solution