• , notice how the order is inverted
  • find solution for
    • find rref of A
    • find special solutions by finding
      • Find one special solution for each free variable by setting the other free variables to 0. Repeat for all free variables
    • find a particular solution by setting free variables to 0, which means free variables should just be the corresponding entry in the augmented column
    • the set of all solutions is particular solution + s times special solution 1 + t times solution 2 + …, where s,t,… represents any real number
  • find (basis for) nullspace of A
    • find rref of A
    • find special solutions of
    • special solutions form a basis over the nullspace of A
  • find (basis for) column space of A
    • find rref of A
    • check which columns of rref contains pivots; the corresponding columns in the original A form a basis over the column space
  • find (basis for) rowspace of A
    • find rref of A
    • rref rows that contain a pivot forms a basis over the rowspace (OK to use rref rows)
  • check if a set of vectors are linearly independent
    • method 1: rref
      • combine vectors into a matrix A
      • find rref of A and see if the rank is equal to n
    • method 2: see if the only linear combination that forms is the trivial all zeros solution
      • write the vector equation out
      • convert vector equation to a system of equations
      • solve system of equations and see if all coefficients are 0 (LI).
  • Find least squares solution to
    • Solve
    • Multiply both sides by