
  1. Dominant (IxTP) β€” Acute understanding of what makes sense, intellectual strength, clear logical principles.
  2. Auxiliary (ExTP) β€” Breaking ideas down little by little, able to give concise explanations and descriptions.
  3. Tertiary (IxFJ) β€” Sometimes concerned with technical accuracy, can be pedantic about certain things.
  4. Inferior (ExFJ) β€” Occasionally balancing a stable emotional atmosphere with critical thinking and input.
  5. Opposing (ExTJ) β€” Sees finer discrepancies as arbitrary or hair-splitting, devalues individual reasoning.
  6. Senex (IxTJ) β€” Ignores logical principles, doesn’t care about why or how something works.
  7. Trickster (ExFP) β€” Faking understanding, misinterpreting principles, blending theory with fact.
  8. Demon (IxFP) β€” Disorganized internal framework of logic, believing something makes sense if it feels right.