

  • slow intro
  • forecasts horror ending with syncopation (rhythmic ambiguity) + chromaticism (tonal ambiguity)

Allegro (sonata form)

  • Exposition
    • P: T (D major); chromatic, fanfare (symbolizing aristocracy)
    • T
    • S: X (dominant); comical (DG chasing women)
  • Development
    • developing P & S (X)
  • Imperfect Recapitulation
    • P: T
    • S: X (not in T! open-ended)
    • continues to Act 1, Scene 1


Buffo finale - music & action without dry recitative (recitative with only basso continuo)

17-century sources regarding don Giovanni

SourceGenre DesignationNotes
Tirso de Molina, El burlador de Sevillaspoken drama in three acts (jornadas)counter-reformation
Osorio, The Stone Guestspoken drama
Petruccicommedia dell’arte (CDA) scenariosauthor of On the Art of Acting …
Macchia The Striken-Down Atheistcommedia dell’arte (CDA) scenariosLeporello = Arlecchino, Lazzi = slapstick